Information Technology Security Policy

Energy Absolute Public Company Limited hereby announced the Information Technology (IT) Security Policy, to ensure the IT system as well as the network and computer system of the Company, subsidiaries and affiliated companies sharing these systems is secure and continually supportive to the Company's operations; compliant with the Computer Crime Act and other relevant laws; and efficient in preventing harms and damage on the Company.

The definition in this part defines the terms used in the policy and guidelines appearing in this IT security policy, for the purposes of clarity and mutual understanding.

  • 1. "Company" refers to Energy Absolute Public Company Limited, subsidiaries and affiliated companies that share the IT system as well as the network and computer system.
  • 2. "Information Technology Department" means Energy Absolute Public Company Limited's Information Technology and System Development Department.
  • 3. "Users" mean directors, executives, employees, related users and external users authorized to access the Company's network.
  • 4. "Related users" mean individuals or juristic persons working under contract at the Company's premises.
  • 5. "External users" mean individuals or juristic persons other than those in (3) and (4).
  • 6. "System Adminitrator" mean Manager – Head of Information Technology Department or other operators, designated by supervisors in the Vice President level or higher to develop, fix and maintain the Company's IT and network systems; or a unit directly in charge of the IT and network systems.
  • 7. "Information" means facts drawn from database. In the forms of figures, texts, documents, diagrams, maps, photos, films, visual and audio recordings, computer-generated recordings or graphics, information is processed and organized for ease of understanding and utilized in the management, planning, decision-making, etc.
  • 8. "Information system" means the Company's system dedicated for the storage, processing and dissemination of information. Linking up hardware, software, users and processing process, the system generates information useful for the Company's planning, management and work process.
  • 9. "Network system" means the system that allows communications or transmission of data and information between the Company's various information technology systems like LAN, Wireless, Intranet, Internet and other communications systems.
  • 10. "Property" means tangible or intangible properties deemed valuable to the Company which are data, data system, and properties relating to information technology and communications like personnel, hardware, software, computers, servers, information system, network system, network equipment, IP addresses or copyrighted software, or anything deemed valuable to the Company.
  • 11. "Information technology security" means the security and safety for the Company's information technology system and network system, whereby confidentiality, integrity and availability are preserved along with authenticity, accountability, non-repudiation and reliability.
  • 12. "Access or access control" means the permission, classification of users' rights or authorization for users' access to the network system or information system, electronically and physically. The control involves guidelines on unauthorized access.
  • 13. "User account" means the usernames and passwords for employees and relevant users as well as external users.
  • 14. "Encryption" means the encryption of information to prevent unauthorized access. Users with access to the encrypted files must have the encryption keys.
  • 15. "Authentication" means the security process to identify general users, through the confirmation of username and password.

Governance of Enterprise IT

Oversight on information technology (IT) is to ensure the Company’s accomplishment, in using IT to support the operations and efficiently manage IT-related risks. Effective IT management requires the linkage between IT, resources and efficient data so that the system can support the enterprise’s policies, strategies and objectives. It requires appropriate risk management, reporting and monitoring, to ensure that applied technology can facilitate strategies and lead the enterprise towards business achievements as well as competitiveness and added value.

To achieve these goals, the Company shall at least consider addressing the following issues:

1. IT Risk Management Policy

Define roles and responsibilities in IT and Cyber risk management Manager – Vice President IT and System Development Department is in charge of exploring and selecting IT management approaches that can reduce risks or handle existing IT-related risks, for the Management’s consideration.

IT Security Risk Management Structure

* Remarks : Vice President IT and System Development Department, this position is similar to Chief Information Officer (CIO), Responsible to Oversee all information security, security awareness and information technology issues, threats, vulnerabilities and regulatory changes affecting the organization, perform independent research as needed and review process.​
Risk Management Committee responsible to annually reviews the Company’s IT Security / Cyber security strategy.​
The Company shall implemented IT and cyber risk management and information security protocols in line with international standards such as NIST Cybersecurity Framework. These cyber security frameworks include prevention plans, detection, and rapid responses to threats in compliance with global standards. There are 5 main processes, including:

  • 1. Identify
  • 2. Protect
  • 3. Detect
  • 4. Response
  • 5. Recover

2. IT Security Policy

  • The Company shall formulate the IT Security Policy in writing and prepare communications on the policy to ensure correct understanding and compliance. Communications between IT department and other departments across the enterprise is particularly important, for coordination and achievements as outlined in business objectives.
  • The Company shall have the IT Security Policy reviewed at least once a year or in the event of changes that affect the security.